5 Tips for a better week





1. Juo 2-3 litraa päivässä vettä. Aloita vedellä aamu ja kuljeta vesipulloa mukana.
2. Kirjoita ylös asioita. Tavoitteesi, ideasi, to do -listasi. Kaikki mahdollisimman yksityiskohtaisesti.
3. Ota riski: ”A Ship in a harbor is safe but that is not what ships were built for!
4. Syö vitamiineja, ravintorikasta ruokaa, superfoodeja ja ravintolisiä.
5. Treenaa niin, että olet tyytyväinen itseesi ja hanki uusi piristävä treeniasu kevättä varten.

1.Drink enough water. Start your day by drinking a class of water and carry a bottle of water on you the whole day!
2. Write notes about your goals, dreams, ideas and to do things. Very precisely.
3. Take a risk: ” A Ship in a harbor is safe but that is not what ships were built for!”
4. Eat vitamins, nutrient rich food, superfoods and dietary supplements.
5. Train so that you are satisfied with yourself and buy new training clothes to give you more energy for spring.

Nice week for everyone!